MPC is used to optimize control inputs by approximating a reference trajectory using dt, N and T variables in a finite(2-3 seconds) time-horizon. This reference trajectory should encompass very small values of dt which will be multiplied by N (should be a number that when multiplied by dt is 2-3Continue Reading

Is a force(tension force to be exact) that makes a body follow a curved path with a center. The force’s direction is always to the instantaneous center of the path and orthogonal to the motion of the body. The body’s acceleration can be calculated as: a= v^2/r (where v squaredContinue Reading

Potential field (represented by a number or tensor, that has a value for each point in space-time) combines attraction to the goal, and repulsion from obstacles in order to plan a path for an autonomous system.     most commonly used attractive potential function is:   where, ε is a positive scaling factor, p(q, qgoal)Continue Reading

Frenet coordinates are an alternative way to describe a curve in 2D space, this most commonly can be useful while computing displacement of a vehicle’s position on the road or a calculating it’s reference path. The Frenet coordinates is composed of two coordinates. s coordinate – representing distance along theContinue Reading

The Viterbi algorithm (using the maximum likelihood  decoding (MLD) algorithm) is a dynamic programming algorithm for finding the most likely sequence of hidden states – called the Viterbi path in hidden Markov models (HMM)Continue Reading