Propositional logic deals with simple statements that are either true or false. It uses logical connectives to build complex expressions. Example:  P ^ Q if both   P   and  Q  are true, then the whole expression is true. Propositions Proof Theory focuses on the rules for logical deductions and includes completeness,Continue Reading

In statistical analysis of binary classification, the Harmonic mean in ML is a measure of a test’s accuracy and is known as F1 score or subcontrary mean. The F1 score (Harmonic mean) is combined by using the recall and the precision , and is better then taking the arithmetic meanContinue Reading

R Squared is the coefficient of determination it normally ranges from 0 to 1, and provides a measure of how well observed outcomes, are replicated by the model.   The formula is: Residual(Error) sum of squares (RSS), also known as (SSR) , is the sum of the squares of theContinue Reading