Eigen Decomposition

Eigen Decomposition reveals the most important vector in the dataset, the Principal Component (also part of PCA).

Eigen Decomposition can be performed only on square matrices.

It extracts two features: Eigen Value (a lambda(scaler) that pre multiplies the Eigen Vector) and by reverse the Eigen Vector (a vector which post multiplies a matrix).

The EigenVector is in the null space of the pre multiplying matrix shifted on the identity matrix by the eigenvalue(s)(scalers). This shifted matrix must be a singular matrix to possess  an(y) eigenvalue(s).



(1:)Shift the matrix by lambda (by the identity matrix). (2:) Calculate the determinant. The result for lambda is the eigenvalue.

1: (A-λ)=0 —–> 2: |A-λI| = 0

The number of rows/cols in the squared matrix determines the number of eigenvalues.


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