A diagonal matrix is a matrix with all zero on the off diagonal elements. When multiplying  a matrix with a diagonal matrix , when the diagonal element is post-multiplying the matrix. The result is the same as the matrix but with the columns weighted each by the corresponding element inContinue Reading

Rank is a single non-negative integer number that represents the number of dimensions of information in the matrix, and is a property of the whole matrix not specifically columns or rows. The dimensions of information is the number of linear independent rows or columns in the matrix. The maximum rankContinue Reading

Principal Component Analysis – PCA is the process of projecting variance of data using minimal dimensions. The direction of dimension along which the variance is maximised(highest) will be chosen as the first principal component. The next best direction as the second P.C. and should be orthogonal to the first P.C,Continue Reading

Given a parabola with focal length (f), we can derive the equation of the parabola. We assume the origin (h,k) = (0,0) of the coordinate system the parabola’s vertex(for easy calculations). For any point (x2,y2) on the parabola, the straight line from the focus(d1) and to the directix(d2) have theContinue Reading