Images – A table of pixels, usually of RGB(3D columns – a.k.a a tensor) – can be ravled/unrolled/flattened  to a 1D longer array. Sound – long series of numbers(1D array) when digitally recorded(x = time(duration column), y = amplitude of the sound) – usually represented by frequences. Text – partsContinue Reading

The Lucas–Kanade method is a widely used differential method for optical flow estimation. Assumptions – flow is essentially constant in a local neighbourhood – solves the basic optical flow equations for all the pixels in that neighbourhood, by the least squares criterion. motion is linear : When it is non linearContinue Reading

The motion direction of a contour is ambiguous(usually to a combination of left/right with up/down), because the motion component parallel to the line (edge) cannot be inferred based on the visual input. You can only tell the motion locally in the direction perpendicular to the edge(line).Continue Reading

In order to compute Optical Flow there are two assumptions/constraints: Image moves in u(x cord) and v(y cord): The brightness(grayscale)/color consistency is same between the original image I ( x, y,t),  and the image in I ( x+u, y+v,t+1). The change in motion is almost zero(smooth), which means that the original IContinue Reading

The idea behind gradient descent is looking for the global minimum (or local minimum when wrong) of the function, it is done by subtracting the derivative from the initial position, this process is called minimizing the cost function. The way we update the parameters after the gradient descent is done,Continue Reading

Feature Finding/Correspondence: 1)Detect Features – Find POI’s by a repeatable detector. 2)Find Corresponding Pairs by distinctive descriptors. *In case of panoramic view – stitching – align images The main issues in the process are: 1) Find most of the points of interest on both images, by a repeatable detector. (precision,Continue Reading

In perspective projections – lines project into lines, so lines in one image must project to lines in the other image. In stereo images, any point on the epipolar line must be on the other epipolar line, this constraint allows us to reduce the search for a given point, toContinue Reading